arm lift results

Many women feel self-conscious about the shape and elasticity of their arms. Sometimes this can be corrected with non-invasive techniques or with liposuction. An unfortunate side effect of excessive weight loss can be loose, sagging skin that hangs from the arm, awkwardly moving with each movement of the arm. This can also occur because of genetics and aging.

With an arm lift, Dr. Korman is able to sculpt the arm and create a toned appearance that revitalizes the entire shape of the arm. To learn more about arm lifts, contact Dr. Korman and schedule an appointment.

What is an Arm Lift?

No matter your concern, we encourage individuals who are interested in an arm lift to schedule a consultation with Dr. Korman.

A brachioplasty, or arm lift, is a surgical procedure that reduces excess tissue and fat in the lower area of the upper arm to give a tapered, smooth effect. The skin between the armpit and elbow will likely be removed and contoured to help your arm appear toned. To sculpt your arm, Dr. Korman can sometimes use specialized liposuction techniques alone (See SmartLipo, Vaser) to sculpt the arm.

For a surgical arm lift (brachioplasty), Dr. Korman begins this procedure by making an incision on the inner arm from the elbow to the armpit. This minimizes visible scarring. At this point, the surgeon will tighten the arm ligaments to give the arm a contoured appearance. If necessary, excess fat will also be removed. Dr. Korman will then close the incision.

Dr. Korman has been performing cosmetic surgeries for many years and his professional opinion will guide you to the right decision for your body.

This procedure is largely done on patients who are older or have recently experienced weight loss. As we grow older, our skin becomes less elastic due to genetics, gravity and many other factors. Elastin and collagen, two crucial proteins to our skin’s health, are produced less and less with age. The structure of the skin will slowly diminish, resulting in loose, irregular skin. This drooping skin may make people feel old, out of shape or cause them to become self-conscious.

Patients who have lost weight may be interested in an arm lift as well as a few other surgical procedures that will remove excess skin.

When people gain large amounts of weight, fat cells grow and push against the skin. This causes the skin to stretch and adjust to the weight increase. When that individual changes their lifestyle or undergoes a weight loss surgery, large amounts of weight are lost. Although the fat cells shrink, the skin will only tighten minimally if at all. People who have undergone weight loss are often left with sagging skin folds. Along with other procedures, excess arm skin removal is common after weight loss. You have worked hard to lose weight and deserve to show off your results and feel your best!

Before and After Photos


There are many physical and mental benefits to an arm lift. The primary benefits are that upper arm surgery will reduce jiggly upper arm skin and create a slim, toned outcome. This will result in you being able to fit into shirts, sweaters, and jackets easier. Many patients also feel more comfortable going sleeveless.

The proportions of your body will improve overall. You will likely experience a boost in confidence! Slimming down one area of your body will help improve your entire appearance.

An upper arm lift will benefit the shape and contours of your entire arm. This technique will transform your appearance and help you achieve your ideal body goals!

Is an Arm Lift Right for Me?

An arm lift is a great choice for many patients. Candidates who do not have a health condition that would interfere with their healing process should consider receiving the benefits of an arm lift.

If you have “bye bye” arms and would like to see an improvement in their shape and tone, you may want to research an arm lift.

To truly know if an arm lift is right for you, we recommend you schedule a consultation with Dr. Korman to get his experienced perspective on your particular case.

Consult with Dr. Korman, NorCal’s Top Arm Lift Expert

In your private meeting with Dr. Korman, he will ask about your desired aesthetic and outcomes for your arm lift. He will assess your health by asking about past procedures, current medications, allergies, and general health. After an examination of your arms that includes photographs and measurements, he will deem whether an arm lift is a healthy option for you or not. Dr. Korman may suggest alternative options or additional solutions to improve your arms.

He will then walk you through the arm lift procedure, potential risks and recovery period.

We have listed some questions that should help you navigate through this section of the consultation:

  • How long is the recovery period?
  • What can I do to ensure a healthy experience and outcome?
  • How long will the surgery be?
  • Is there a particular surgical technique that will work best on my arms?
  • What will my arms look like over time?
  • Are there any before-and-after photos I can see?
  • Do any of these photos relate to my particular situation?

These questions are meant to guide you and help stimulate some of your own questions. It is not uncommon for patients to write down their questions and concerns and bring them into the meeting.

Arm Lift Incisions

There are three types of incisions commonly used to perform arm lift surgery. These incisions include:

  • Inner arm incision. This incision is made along the inside of the arm, from the elbow to the armpit and is often used to reduce large amounts of tissue.
  • Back of arm incision. This incision is also performed on patients who wish to remove large amounts of fat and skin from the upper arm. The incision is applied along the back of the arm from the elbow to the armpit.
  • Minimal incision. This incision is made only along the armpit and is used for people with minimum tissue to remove.


Incision lengths and patterns may vary based on your anatomy and desired outcome. Dr. Korman will instruct you how to prepare for the surgery and recovery period. Together, you and Dr. Korman will create a treatment plan that takes your health and lifestyle into consideration.


Prior to your appointment, you will need to stop smoking and taking antihistamines. You will also want to pick up necessary medications and arrange for someone to drop you off and pick you up the day of your arm lift. You should also ask for someone to stay with you the first night of your recovery so they can help you adjust and be comfortable.

Arm Lift Procedure

When you arrive at your procedure, you will be greeted by your surgical team. Dr. Korman will prepare your arms and mark them for surgery. General anesthesia will be administered to provide a healthy and safe environment for you and the surgical team.

Once you are resting, Dr. Korman will apply the predetermined incisions. He will remove excess tissue and fat from the arms. The supportive tissue will be reshaped and tightened to provide your best results.

Your incisions will be closed, drains may be placed in incisions and bandages will be applied. This surgery commonly takes one to three hours depending on the amount of improvement desired.


After the surgery, your arms will be bandaged and swollen. Any discomfort can be controlled with pain medications. Drains, or small hollow tubes, may be placed temporarily in incisions to help remove excess fluids. These drains will be removed a few days after your procedure in a follow-up appointment. Elastic bandages will help reduce swelling and assist your arms in adjusting to their new shape.

In the first few days of your recovery, you will want to avoid lifting your arms above your shoulders for about four weeks. Physical activity that entails you lifting and moving your arms vigorously will need to be avoided for about eight weeks. The goal of limiting arm movement is to not strain the incisions so you have a healthy recovery.


You will immediately notice an improvement in the shape of your arms. As swelling decreases, you will notice attractive contours developing. A few months after your surgery is when you will notice your final results setting in. With the help of a healthy exercise routine and diet, you will maintain your toned, slim results for years to come.

What to Expect Following an Arm Lift?

Following your arm lift, Dr. Korman may recommend that a light compression garment should be worn to reduce swelling and bruising.

After approximately 2 weeks, normal activity can resume; however, heavy lifting should be avoided.

What is the Cost of an Arm Lift in Mountain View, California?

Arm lifts vary in price with the amount of surgery needed and if other surgeries, such as liposuction, are done to maximize results. Our personalized technique makes us stand out as a plastic surgery clinic. We strive to give you care and attention so you can achieve your best life!

Dr. Korman will develop a unique treatment plan to provide you with slimming results. Once you have completed your private consultation with Dr. Korman, you will receive a cost breakdown that reflects the details of your personalized plan.

Contact us to schedule a consultation, get a price quote and discuss patient financing.