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Tattoos Don’t Have to Last Forever with PicoWay

As we get older—and finally settle down—we look back at the choices we’ve made and view them as learning experiences. Every lesson learned is an opportunity to grow as an individual.

However, sometimes these lessons aren’t as fair as we would like. For example, the tattoo you got when you were in puppy love a few years back may now be the one thing that makes you the most self-conscious. Or, maybe the tattoo artist on Spring Break wasn’t as skilled as you had hoped. Regardless of your situation, you’re not alone.

Tattoos Tell a Story — What are yours saying about you?

There are many people who live with the daily reminder of a tattoo they should not have gotten. Actually, to be more specific—according to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, there were about 960,000 tattoo removal treatments performed in 2013 alone!

Our office understands the importance of having options when it comes to tattoo removal, which is why we are introducing PicoWay to our patients.

PicoWay: Fast & Effective Tattoo Removal

The PicoWay laser is the FDA-approved laser removal system that truly removes tattoos. The laser uses picosecond (one trillionth of a second) pulses on your skin which immediately fracture the tattoo ink into tiny particles that the body can absorb.

Before PicoWay, tattoo removal lasers performed a nanosecond pulse, which unfortunately required multiple treatments that are described as more painful for the patient. The picosecond pulses of the PicoWay tattoo removal system make treatments more effective and reduce the overall number of treatments required. In fact, Dr. Eric Bernstein referred to PicoWay as a “game-changing laser for tattoo removal,” in a recent RealSelf article.

Changing Lives with PicoWay in San Jose

Dr. Korman’s office couldn’t be more excited to offer this innovative tattoo-removal technology to our patients. Regardless of the reason you got your tattoo—or the reason you want it removed—you now have a tattoo removal option that is proven to work, no matter the color of ink! We are offering complimentary PicoWay consultations. Simply call our San Jose office at 408.831.6229 or visit our contact page to schedule an appointment.

We are also excited to share the outreach services we offer at Korman Plastic Surgery. Our staff believes that everyone deserves a second chance, which is why we offer free tattoo-removal services to reformed gang members and convicts. When past mistakes are in plain sight, it is difficult for these individuals to make the changes necessary to move forward. Learn more about these pro bono services by calling our San Jose office at 418.831.6229.