Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is an effective treatment that can reintroduce crucial hormones into the body. For women, growing older and experiencing menopause can cause low levels of estrogen and a resultant decline in their wellbeing. Hormone therapy is highly effective in reducing or eliminating bothersome symptoms of menopause. By providing estrogen, it helps to replenish declining hormone levels during menopause, thereby mitigating these symptoms and improving overall quality of life.

At Korman Plastic Surgery, Dr. Joshua Korman provides HRT for women on the Central Coast of California. He runs his practice with a focus on state-of-the-art technology and high quality patient care. For more information, call one of our location-specific numbers listed below, or contact us online.

About Menopause & HRT

As women grow older, they gradually produce less and less estrogen. This occurs primarily due to menopause, the process in which menstruation slowly stops and women no longer produce eggs. This change typically takes place between the ages of 45 and 55 and can last from seven to fourteen years. (1) Estrogen is an important hormone for the female body, and can affect one’s well-being when its regular levels begin to decline. The symptoms of low estrogen levels in women include:

  • Depression
  • Low libido
  • Brain fog
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Hot flashes
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Hair loss
  • Weakened skin
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Fluctuating weight

HRT can reintroduce estrogen into the body. It is the most efficient treatment for the reduction of menopausal symptoms and those related to low estrogen. (2) In addition to addressing these symptoms, this treatment can also increase a woman’s health overall. For example, it can increase bone density, reducing the likelihood of fractures.

We provide HRT in two forms, by injection and by the insertion of hormone pellets. For the injections, Dr. Korman schedules several appointments to slowly introduce the estrogen into the body while measuring the patient’s progress. For pellet therapy, he has personalized pellets made to accommodate patients’ unique hormonal levels. He inserts them subdermally into the buttocks or the hip, and they release a consistent flow of hormones.

Benefits of HRT

Estrogen is an important hormone for women, and regaining it with HRT can be a holistically favorable treatment. Some of the many benefits of receiving HRT from Dr. Korman include:

  • Providing hormonal balance
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Helping patients feel younger and healthier
  • Stabilizing patients’ mood and emotions
  • Slowing down hair loss
  • Improving cognitive capacity
  • Stabilizing weight fluctuations
  • Improving sexual function and comfort during intercourse

Who is a Candidate for HRT?

An ideal candidate for HRT with Dr. Korman will be interested in achieving balance in their hormonal levels once more. They will be fed up with their bothersome symptoms and ready to take back control of their life. Patients do not need to be undergoing menopause to receive HRT. However, there are a few health concerns that we will review before we approve a patient for this treatment. We will review your eligibility at your personal consultation. You should be in relatively good health to receive this treatment, to ensure that the hormones are able to properly affect your body.

Personal Consultation

At our personal consultations, we answer all of our prospective patients’ questions about HRT, and ensure that they are well-informed about the treatment process. To accomplish this, we want to know all about their medical history, including past surgeries, prescriptions, and health conditions. We also ask questions to learn about the health goals and expectations that patients have about HRT. We take samples of their blood and perform comprehensive analysis to gain a detailed reading of their unique hormonal levels. With the information that we gather, we can create a personalized treatment plan designed to precisely restore hormonal balance. When the details have been established, we will provide an accurate cost estimate for this treatment.

To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Korman, call one of our location-specific numbers listed below, or contact us online.


There are no major preparation steps for HRT with Dr. Korman. However, it is important that patients maintain a consistent lifestyle from the time of their consultation through to the end of their treatment. Patients should adjust their medicinal intake as directed. This will ensure that the precise hormonal treatment remains uniquely effective for each patient. It will also help to remain as healthy and active as possible, to increase the likelihood that this treatment can work within the body and provide positive results.

HRT Procedure

The HRT procedure is fairly simple for Dr. Korman’s patients. He will begin by cleaning the treatment area and administering a local anesthetic or topical numbing cream to prevent discomfort. If the patient is receiving injections, Dr. Korman will inject the hormonal formula into the body and the treatment session will be complete. If the patient is receiving pellet therapy, Dr. Korman will make a small incision in the treatment area and place the pellet in a stable place under the skin. For both treatment methods, the patient will need to come back in for several additional treatments. Dr. Korman will use these recurring appointments to perform more injections if necessary, and to assess the progress of the treatment. Ensuring that the patient’s hormonal levels are regulated throughout the treatment process is essential to treating the symptoms of low estrogen.


HRT procedures with Dr. Korman require no downtime for recovery. Patients may resume everyday activity after their treatment sessions. However, we recommend avoiding strenuous activity in the first few days after treatment to allow the hormones a stable environment to acclimate. Patients may experience some redness, bruising, and discomfort in their injection or incision site. These symptoms are natural and should resolve themselves gradually.


The results of HRT will come about slowly. As hormonal balance is achieved, patients may notice an increase in their energy level, mood, and libido. Improving well-being is a subtle process, and patients will experience it through the gradual reduction of their bothersome symptoms. It may take several months for results to become noticeable. Every patient is different, and the speed at which HRT addresses various symptoms will vary. Dr. Korman closely monitors the progress of his patients, and the length of treatment will be determined by careful hormonal analysis.

How Much Does HRT Cost in Mountain View?

The exact cost of each patient’s HRT will depend on the details of their treatment plan and the number of check-ups that they end up requiring. We can discuss the cost and other details of this process at a personal consultation prior to treatment. To learn more about how much Hormone Replacement Therapy costs at Korman Plastic Surgery, call one of our location-specific numbers listed below, or contact us online.

  • Mountain View: (650) 864-1725
  • Carmel: (831) 244-8681
  • San Jose: (669) 666-9161


Is hormone replacement therapy safe for me?

Hormone replacement therapy may not be a safe option if patients have personal or family histories of breast cancer, stroke, heart attack, blood clots, or liver disease. It is also not safe for pregnant women. You can schedule a consultation with your provider to assess if receiving hormone replacement therapy is a wise option. 

Are there any side effects associated with hormone replacement therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy can cause certain side effects. These include vaginal bleeding, soreness in the breasts, bloating, and headaches. Providers can prevent and treat these side effects by carefully administering personalized levels of hormone replacement and adjusting parameters as the treatment goes on.

How long does hormone replacement therapy take to work?

The time it takes for hormone replacement therapy to balance hormonal levels and address the symptoms related to low estrogen varies from patient to patient. Some patients feel a boost in energy shortly after treatment begins, others must wait several months before they notice a change in their well-being. This depends on the rate at which their bodies metabolize the reintroduced hormones. 

How long is hormone therapy typically prescribed for?

The duration of hormone therapy varies depending on the individual’s symptoms, medical history, and treatment goals. It can be short-term (a few years) to manage menopausal symptoms or long-term for conditions like osteoporosis prevention.

Is hormone therapy a good fit for all menopausal women?

It is important for menopausal women to discuss the potential benefits and risks of hormone therapy with their healthcare provider, taking into account their individual health history, risk factors, and treatment goals. Hormone therapy is not suitable for everyone, and alternative treatments or lifestyle modifications may be recommended depending on individual circumstances. Regular monitoring and follow-up with a healthcare provider are essential to ensure the effectiveness and safety of hormone therapy.


  1. National Institute on Aging. What is menopause? National Institute on Aging. Published September 30, 2021. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/menopause/what-menopause 
  2. Fait T. Menopause Hormone therapy: Latest Developments and Clinical Practice. Drugs in Context. 2019;8(212551):1-9. doi:https://doi.org/10.7573/dic.212551