Dysport injections are a minimally-invasive method of reducing worry and frown lines across the brow.
Mountain View residents wishing to remove the appearance of fine lines or deep to moderate wrinkles on the brow should consider contacting Dr. Korman for Dysport injections. It’s administered to five major points on the forehead where there is frequent muscle contraction. This amazing treatment allows patients to experience a smooth forehead within 10 to 20 minutes of the injection. Dysport is a targeted injectable that helps erase frown lines. The active ingredient in Dysport’s formula (abobotulinum toxin A) works by blocking nerve signals to the facial muscles responsible for the aesthetic symptoms associated with aging.
In a typical appointment at Dr. Korman’s office, the patient decides on the areas they would like to see treated. Dr. Korman likes to ask his patients to smile, frown and make other facial expressions to help determine if Dysport is the appropriate anti-aging treatment for them. Many patients report the entire process as being relatively short and painless. Dysport is a convenient way to remedy worry lines (glabellar lines). The targeted injection areas are cleansed and, if the patient desires, may be numbed by topical cream. A small needle is used to make a series of tiny injections in the brow area.