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Sculpt Your Abs with Targeted Liposuction

If you have hit a wall in your workouts or dieting and are not seeing the results you want, liposuction may be your best solution. Many times, fat deposits around the abdomen remain even if you are in great overall health. Liposuction of the abs will give you the sculpted, lean results you’ve been looking for.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a revolutionary body contouring technique that allows men and women to achieve the contours and curves they’ve always wanted. Lipo surgery is not a weight loss solution but rather a way for healthy individuals to slim down stubborn pockets of fat. A common area that fat gathers along the body is the abdomen. Abdominal liposuction is one of our most effective procedures. Whether you are trying to achieve a toned tummy or more defined abs, Dr. Korman’s talent and expertise will help you achieve your desired outcome.

A liposuction procedure requires small incisions to be made in the concerning area. A cannula will be inserted through the incision and used to strategically remove fat cells. Certain tools can be used to emulsify fat cells prior to extraction. Liposuction treatment can help slim down those areas of stubborn fat that seem resistant to workouts and diets. Common liposuction treatment areas include the face, love handles, abdomen, upper arms, thighs, back, and buttocks.

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Liposuction With Dr. Korman

Dr. Korman is a board-certified surgeon who has been improving the lives of his patients for over twenty years. He is the Clinical Professor of Surgery at Stanford University’s School of Medicine and is recognized for his written work in scientific articles. He is always learning new methods to better help his patients and offer them their best cosmetic options. We prioritize our patient’s health and implement cutting-edge techniques that allow us to maintain safety and impressive results. Dr. Korman specializes in three forms of lipo surgery, these include:

Suction-Assisted Liposuction

This is the traditional form of liposuction and implements a cannula and physical movement to break up fat cells and remove them from surrounding tissues. The loose fat will then be removed from the area with a suction device.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

The ultrasonic form of liposuction used at our clinic is VASER Hi-Def Lipo. In a VASER treatment, a probe will be used to liquefy fat cells. The probe will release ultrasound waves that break apart and melt fat cells, allowing them to be easily and quickly extracted.

Laser Liposuction

SmartLipo is our preferred form of laser liposuction. This method uses a small laser fiber to target unwanted fat cells and liquefy them. The cells will be conveniently removed with a suction device. The exact form of liposuction used for your surgery will relate to your aesthetic goals. Dr. Korman and you will discuss your options in your private consultation and determine your best choice.

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Liposuction is an effective way to get the results you want right away. Dr. Korman has a surgeon’s eye but an artist’s hand. He will work meticulously to achieve your results. When liposuction is performed by Dr. Korman, you know you are going to get an impressive outcome. If you are looking for an effective surgery to reshape your abdomen, schedule a consultation with Dr. Korman today.


Ab liposuction candidates are healthy men and women who are within the range of their ideal body weight. Ideally, the candidate will not smoke. Patients who can take a few weeks off from smoking before and after surgery may still qualify for treatment.

Another healthy element that plays into your candidacy is your skin. Potential candidates should have firm, elastic skin that will be able to recover well from the surgery. The best way to know if liposuction is a good choice for sculpting your abdomen is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Korman.

Personal Consultation

Dr. Korman will address your thoughts and take the opportunity to educate you on lipo surgery. During your private meeting with Dr. Korman, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and talk about anything that may concern you in regards to liposuction. Dr. Korman will need to learn about your medical history, current health, and medications so as to create a healthy treatment plan for you. If liposuction is determined a good option for you, the surgical details will be discussed. Dr. Korman will inform you of incision placement, methods of liposuction, anesthesia options, how to prepare for surgery and what recovery will look like.

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Fill prescriptions and pick them up a few days before your surgery. You may want to store these medications in the area of your home you’ve designated to recovery. Arrange for someone to pick you up from surgery and stay with you for a day or two after your procedure. It will take you some time to adjust to movement after surgery and having someone around will be a big help. For a healthy surgery and recovery, be sure to follow our detailed preparation instructions provided by Dr. Korman. Feel free to call our office if you have any questions.

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Liposuction Surgery

Your abdomen will be cleaned and marked for surgery. Anesthesia will be administered and Dr. Korman will apply incisions. The exact details of your surgery will relate to the liposuction methods implemented. The abdomen will be sculpted and unnecessary fat will be removed. The whole surgery will take between one and two hours.


After surgery, your abdomen will be sensitive, swollen and bruised. Any discomfort can be controlled with the pain medication Dr. Korman prescribes. You will be able to notice that your abdomen is slimmer right away. You will need to sleep on your back for a few weeks to make sure no pressure is put on incisions and so your results come in well.

Be sure to get plenty of rest and take brief walks when you feel comfortable. Movement will increase blood circulation and improve your body’s healing process. A few days after surgery, you will attend a follow-up appointment with Dr. Korman to ensure you are recovering well.

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You will notice an improvement in the shape of your abdomen following surgery. The final results achieved with abdominal liposuction will be noticeable after a month or two. Your newly sculpted stomach will last years! A healthy lifestyle will help you maintain your outcome.

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Ab Liposuction Price

We recognize that everyone has a unique body and desired aesthetic goal. Dr. Korman will create a treatment plan that best reflects your goals. Because of our personalized approach, the cost of your treatment will be unique to you. The best way to learn how much it will cost to have your abdomen sculpted by Dr. Korman is to schedule a consultation

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How Dangerous Is Liposuction?

Can Liposuction Give You Abs?

Can Liposuction Get Rid Of Belly Fat?

How Can I Lose Tummy Fat Fast?

How Dangerous Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is not considered a dangerous procedure when performed by a well-experienced, board-certified surgeon like Dr. Korman. Safety precautions will be taken and a physical will be performed to make sure you are in a healthy condition for surgery. Dr. Korman will also inquire about your medical history. The steps our office takes ensures that you have a safe procedure that provides your best results.

Can Liposuction Give You Abs?

Yes. Dr. Korman specializes in ab etching, a technique that redistributes fat and highlights your muscle definition. This procedure is popular among men and enhances the male physique. If you are interested in learning more about ab etching, schedule a consultation with Dr. Korman.

Can Liposuction Get Rid Of Belly Fat?

Liposuction can get rid of subcutaneous fat, the fat found just below the skin. Visceral fat cannot be removed with liposuction. This form of fat develops deep within the gut around the internal organs. A lot of visceral fat is unhealthy and can lead to serious health conditions such as type two diabetes, increased blood pressure and many more complications. This fat is most common in men and is often referred to as a “beer gut” or “beer belly.” The only way to get rid of visceral fat is healthy eating and daily exercise. Fortunately, just improving the amount of activity you perform each day will decrease visceral fat quickly. The body will burn up visceral fat as an energy source before subcutaneous fat. This is because subcutaneous fat is a last-resort energy source for the body. Subcutaneous fat can be very difficult to remove and liposuction will help you diminish the stubborn fat and sculpt your body efficiently. Ab liposuction is an effective treatment to achieve your best results!

How Can I Lose Tummy Fat Fast?

The best way to start losing tummy fat is with a change in diet and increased exercise. If these changes are not working for you and you are bothered by fat that seems resistant to everything, liposuction will remove that fat in one surgery. Liposuction allows men and women to remove unnecessary fat quickly. Dr. Korman will make sure to restore a natural, attractive appearance to your stomach. For your best results, schedule a consultation with us today.

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