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Enhance Vaginal Health and Comfort with Dr. Korman’s Non-Surgical Treatment

This is the ultimate fix for vaginal laxity, dryness, and bladder control without the downtime of surgery. Some women experience loosened or stretched vaginal tissue after childbirth or simply as a result of age or genetics and they may also deal with vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse. These symptoms can range from producing mild discomfort to major life-disrupting aggravators. They can have a negative impact on the overall quality of life, particularly when it comes to intimacy. Dr. Joshua Korman, MD, is a board-certified surgeon with 20 years providing his patients with life-changing results. Dr. Korman and his staff are here to help you with intimate health issues by providing you with an easy way to enhance your vagina. So contact our office today to set up a consultation! Patients in San Jose, Carmel, and Mountian View can reach us at the numbers below. Additionally, you can fill out this form and we will contact you shortly.

About Thermal Vaginal Rejuvenation

ThermiVa treats vulvovaginal atrophy symptoms which are often caused by age, natural childbirth, menopause, or heredity.

These symptoms include:

  • Lax vaginal tissue
  • Stretched skin
  • Decreased sensitivity
  • Loose muscles

Loose muscles can contribute to symptoms like:

  • Stress incontinence
  • Dryness
  • Discomfort
  • Irritation

How Does Radiofrequency Energy Work?

Radiofrequency energy is a type of electromagnetic radiation. The term “radiofrequency” refers to the fact that this type of energy is transmitted by waves whose frequencies are in the radiofrequency range. The frequency of a wave is the number of times per second that the wave oscillates, or vibrates. When radiofrequency energy is used in ThermiVa treatment, it is emitted from a small handheld single-use wand that safely targets external and internal issues. Using radiofrequency energy on the labia minora and majora stimulates collagen and counters the aforementioned symptoms. The increase in collagen production tightens the tissue and increases natural lubrication which reduces pain and irritation associated with intercourse.

The ThermiVa Device

The ThermiVa hand-held device can be adjusted to deliver the appropriate amount of heat to promote collagen production, shrink the targeted tissue, and initiate healthy tissue growth. These benefits are similar to what patients experience with radiofrequency energy on the face to combat wrinkles and skin laxity. 

The Best Part

Optimal ThermiVa vaginal rejuvenation results can be obtained in just three treatments with each session lasting about 20 minutes, plus there is no downtime! These factors mean women can come in on their lunch break for treatment and be quickly on their way. Win, win!

What Are The Benefits Of ThermiVa?

Many patients find that ThermiVa treatments provide a multitude of beneficial results that leave them feeling more youthful and confident. Our patients who have undergone ThermiVa treatments experience some if not all of the following benefits:

  • Tightened external vaginal tissue and skin
  • Improvement in vaginal moisture
  • Tightening of the inner vagina walls
  • Increased bladder control
  • Greater ability to orgasm
  • More enjoyable intercourse
  • Heightened libido
  • Increased self-confidence

Additionally, patients will find a decrease in discomfort when wearing a bathing suit or tight leggings, and greater ease when riding a bike, running, or sitting for long periods of time

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Candidates For ThermiVa

ThermiVa non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation is ideal for women looking to restore their vaginal appearance and function to a more youthful state. ThermiVa is safe to use on adult women of all ages and has been proven to increase lubrication and tighten muscles that help combat urinary incontinence. While there isn’t a medical necessity for vaginal rejuvenation procedures, we believe in doing whatever makes you feel like your best self.

Genetic Pre-Disposition

Some patients may have had excess vaginal tissue since puberty, which may have led to a lifetime of discomfort when wearing tight-fitting clothing or a bathing suit. Excess vaginal tissue is uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing. Many women tend to consider surgical methods of vaginal rejuvenation when getting to this point. However, ThermiVa allows women to tighten their vaginal tissue and have a more pleasing appearance through non-surgical means. ThermiVa can shrink the labia minora to fit neatly within the labia majora, drastically reducing the aforementioned pain from wearing tight clothes or working out.

Age Factors

Another factor that often causes stretched vaginal tissue is age. Throughout the years, women find their vaginal region has become lax because of collagen depletion, and they may have developed issues with dryness that can negatively impact the ability to enjoy intercourse. Some involuntary bladder issues can also arise due to lax vaginal muscles, which is a common issue in women over 50.


Women that have had one or more vaginal childbirths tend to experience stretched tissue throughout the inner and outer parts of the labia. ThermiVa is safe to use just six weeks following vaginal childbirth. 

Healthy women who are looking into vaginal rejuvenation without the hassle of surgery or lengthy recovery times are encouraged to consider ThermiVa. So contact one of our four Bay Area offices today to schedule a consultation!

Personal Consultation

During the consultation appointment, patients will have the opportunity to discuss their concerns regarding the appearance and functionality of their vagina. A physical evaluation will allow Dr. Korman to determine if ThermiVa treatment would relieve symptoms and increase pleasure and quality of life. Unless discussed otherwise, it may be possible to perform the ThermiVa treatment on the same day as the consultation. We would love to meet with all our patients who are looking for feminine rejuvenation so we can discuss the available options. We want to provide every patient with the best option to meet their particular goals and desires.

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Non-Surgical Vs. Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

Women considering vaginal rejuvenation have the option of undergoing a surgical or non-surgical procedure.


ThermiVa, our non-surgical option, is: 

  • A quick and painless treatment
  • No downtime
  • Addresses issues internally and externally
  • Boosts collagen production

One vaginal rejuvenation option is not better than the other. Depending on the particular concerns and the patient’s anatomy, the doctor will be able to suggest which treatment method will be most effective at providing the patient with their desired results. In some cases, both procedures are performed together.


Labiaplasty is our surgical vaginal rejuvenation option. With this surgery, incisions allow Dr. Korman to remove excess labial tissue and create a reduced and improved appearance. Although effective at improving the appearance of the labial tissue, labiaplasty also:

  • Requires incisions
  • Requires Sutures
  • Comes with downtime from the patient’s schedule and activities
  • Does not address lax muscles
  • Does not increase lubrication
  • Does not tighten the internal vaginal walls
woman in white undergarments

Recovery From ThermiVa

Because it is non-surgical, patients will feel no discomfort afterward and can go back to their busy lives without missing a beat. With surgery, patients are sometimes required to put their lives on hold for a few days or weeks during recovery. However, with ThermiVa, women have no recovery time at all. The treatment is quick, painless, and very effective!

An Added Bonus

Along with the no downtime in daily activities, women have no restrictions on their sexual activities after treatment. Women who have been dealing with their vaginal issues for long periods of time find this reason enough to schedule treatment today! Why wait any longer to start enjoying your sex life again? This treatment is here to improve your quality of life, not slow you down.

Results Of ThermiVa Treatment

Patients who have undergone ThermiVa treatment will begin to see and feel great results after just a few weeks. It is highly recommended that patients finish the three treatment sessions in order to receive optimal rejuvenation results. Patients can also come in for touch-up treatments after they’ve completed their sessions. There have been no negative side effects reported.

Patients who choose ThermiVa have seen improvements in the following:

  • Tightness of the inner walls and outer tissue of the vagina
  • Increased sex drive
  • Heightened vaginal sensation
  • Natural lubrication during intercourse

These benefits will ultimately improve the overall quality of your life. Women will no longer have to hesitate to wear a bikini, ride a bike, or experience physical intimacy with a partner.

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What Is The Cost Of ThermiVa In The Bay Area?

Although three treatment sessions are generally recommended for overall vaginal rejuvenation, this treatment is still very much individualized and geared toward each patient’s specific concerns and goals. This is why we suggest you come in and meet with Dr. Korman for a consultation so he can build a custom treatment plan and a quote based on your exact needs.

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  1. Hartog JPD. Mechanical Vibrations. Courier Corporation; 1985. Accessed September 5, 2022. https://books.google.com/books?id=mtDCAgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
  2. Elsaie ML. CUTANEOUS REMODELING AND PHOTOREJUVENATION USING RADIOFREQUENCY DEVICES. Indian Journal of Dermatology. 2009;54(3):201-205. doi:10.4103/0019-5154.55625
  3. McKinney JL, Keyser LE, Pulliam SJ, Ferzandi TR. Female Urinary Incontinence Evidence-Based Treatment Pathway: An Infographic for Shared Decision-Making. Journal of Women’s Health. 2022;31(3):341-346. doi:10.1089/jwh.2021.0266
  4. Pinheiro C, Costa T, Amorim de Jesus R, et al. Intravaginal nonablative radiofrequency in the treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause symptoms: a single-arm pilot study. BMC Women’s Health. 2021;21(1). doi:10.1186/s12905-021-01518-8

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