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Facelift — Surgical Procedure Mountain View Rhytidectomy

Though we would like to think so, facial aging is not particularly a graceful process; it’s more like falling down a few steps rather than coasting down a ramp. Sagging and wrinkling around the face can add years to our appearance. This can make us look and feel older than we really are. One of the most effective and popular ways to combat this natural occurrence is with facial rejuvenation procedures. They range from a noninvasive facelift (such as Ultherapy) to a minimal incision facelift (MACS lift), or a more standard face and neck lift. The facelift is a cosmetic procedure that treats the signs of aging and rejuvenates the face.

A facelift procedure, also known as a rhytidectomy, is an excellent way to address a variety of age-related markers on the face and even neck. The most common problems include sagging skin that can form jowls, deep wrinkles in the cheeks, loose skin and fatty tissue, and a sunken appearance. There are several variations of the facelift procedure, so it’s important to find out which one is right for you.

For more information about the facelift procedures offered by Dr. Joshua Korman, set up an appointment for a complimentary consultation at his office in Mountain View. From there, you can sit down and discuss your goals in detail and have all of your questions answered.